Galway University Hospital

Galway University Hospital

University Hospital Galway is a Haemophilia Treatment Centre and offers a service to patients with a wide range of bleeding and clotting disorders in conjunction with the Comprehensive Care Centres where necessary.

Contact details

Location: Newcastle Road, Galway, H91 YR71, Galway

Telephone: (091) 524222


Consultant Haematologist

Dr Ruth Gilmore

Contact via the Switchboard on: 091-524222

Haemophilia Clinical Nurse Specialist

Ms. Amy Mullins CNS for Bleeding Disorders

Ms. Jennifer Clesham, CNS Haematology

Direct Line: 091 542348

Mobile: 087-0357499


Please contact the Haemophilia Nurses on the above numbers from 8.00 am - 4.00 pm Monday - Friday or contact the haematology registrar on call via hospital switchboard on 091-524222


Ms Anna Byrne

Telephone: (091) 893821


Out of hours contact details

If you have a Haemophilia concern or issue outside of the following hours:

  • after 4pm on Monday to Friday
  • weekends
  • bank holidays

Please phone the hospital switchboard on 091-524222 and ask to speak to the Haematology Registrar on call.